My poor little girl. She was a yellow baby. What I mean by that is that she had jaundice.
Now let me explain, since she was born early she had some problems developing a strong suck to nurse. This meant wasn't getting any food. To get rid of jaundice you need two things, fluids and light. I was completely oblivious to the fact that she wasn't getting any milk. It wasn't until I went to the doctor the day after she was discharged that I found out she wasn't getting any milk. She had almost lost a pound since she was born. It's normal to lose weight. But not like that. Basically, she was starving. Ugh.... it still hurts to think about it. We started feeding her formula immediately. (I still wanted to breast feed, so I pumped.... and pumped.....and pumped at ALL hours of the day. I would have to wake up to feed her and then go and pump. We've had long nights LONG LONG nights.) It took 7 days for my milk to come in. uck!
This is her sunbathing. To bad it wasn't enough to get rid of the jaundice.

My poor baby was pricked so many times trying to find a vein. Stephen went back there with her. He said they tried at least 20 times. Each time they would try to put an IV in, her vein would blow because she didn't have enough fluid in her to sustain the IV. (I hope that I explained that ok) She had bruises on her hands for over a month. She was pricked in the hands, feet, arms and yes her head. Nothing worked. She eventually had to get a tube down her nose to get the food she needed. If we would have known how rough it would be to try and get an IV, we would have chosen the tube first. Bless her little heart.
In this picture you can see the blood on her foot band aids. She's just to little to have to go through this. My precious little girl.
This is her in her incubator. You can see the glow of the lights from the bottom. She also had a top light but it's not on in this picture. It gave off such a creepy vibe. These are her first sunshades too.
She did have visitors. They were a great help on helping her get a full tummy. When she wasn't being tube fed she was getting fed a bottle, still trying to build up her suck.
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