On Monday the 29th of November, I was induced. My doctor is a woman. She understands labor. She knows it hurts. That is why she lets her patients get an epidural at 2centimers dilated. Considering I walked in the hospital at 2 centimenters dilated, I didn't have a long labor. Bless Dr. Logan, Bless her! However, the drugs like totally knocked me out. You'll see from the pictures that I look pretty drowsy. I basically slept all day until I started to push.
Here we go!!!

There is always time for a little chocolate!

I don't remember my mom coming in.

I spared you all prepping for the pushing pictures. I pushed for 2 hours. Poor little girl had her head stuck. She turned it in the birth canal and wouldn't turn it. Two doctors delivered her Dr. Logan and Dr. Ashcraft. I thought I had been pushing (and I had!!!! HARD!!!) but when Dr. Ashcraft pushed on my stomach I didn't know what pressure was. I think there was damage to my tail bone. Labor and delivery was a walk in the park compared to the postpardum.
Now weighing in at a whooping 7 pounds 12 ounzes at 2 1/2 weeks early. We have
Hannah Cate NeSmith
entering into the ring.
By the way she was 20" long. Big girl for that early.

My little sweet heart!

First family picture!!!

Vitals.... good!

After her first bath. Looks just like her Dad!

Now on the way home!
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