Stephen and I have a very cute baby. Her official name is Hannah Cate NeSmith. On occasion we call her angel, babe or some other cutesy name. Recently, a new nickname has surfaced. In the pictures that follow, you will see why she has received this new nickname.
***Caution: Gross pictures follow. Not for those who have loose stomachs (like Hannah)***
Quiver with fear my friends. Burp clothes and receiving blankets are no match for her.
Milky white curds spray from her chubby cheeks
Landing on everything in site. Hours might pass between feedings but Vomitor never takes breaks. If she finds a shirt, pants, arm, leg, chair, hair, floor or finger to barf on, she will.
Take precautions now, never stand within 6 inches of Vomitor because she will projectile vomit.
Guard yourself now good citizens of this blog. Be warned that when she burps, she barfs!!!!
Oh that sweet face!! Spit is a much nicer word. Did anyone take a picture of her letting go of her breakfast on Sam this morning? Poor Sam. Such a sweet cousin. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time....It does get better. Can't remember the last time your brother Matt spit.