Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Great Houdini

Hannah, where is your pacifer?

I know I put you down with a pacifer.

I don't see it in your crib.... I don't see it on the floor. Nope not under your stuffed animals. Not wrapped in blankets. Hmm, not under your bed.

What's that you say Hannah? You have performed your great disappearing act???

Now Hannah, you're going to have to help your mommy out a little bit.

Hannah, I know that you love mirrors but you don't have any in your room and you're not allowed to have any kind of smoke in your room.

Oh you just use slight of hand and your magic wand.


Voila, here's her hiding place.

Balanced on her crib. Notice she's using different pacifers. The girl's got talent. She's the next Hermione Granger.
She insisted that she needed a top hat and mustache.