So while the little girls slumber, I want to share my little garden with you.
My mom has always had a garden. I have fond (and some not so fond) memories of it growing up. Grandpa Dollar also used to have the most amazing garden too. I remember many times my Grandma Dollar giving me a gallon bucket so I could pick my tommy toes (cherry tomatos). I absolutely love tomatos and can eat them like an apple. As a little girl I loved this and I have always wanted to replicate some of the wonderful memories of that. Unfortuately, the green thumb was not passed down.
My first garden in Tuscaloosa, I don't even think I got a seedling out of it. The next year in that garden, I planted my cherry tomato bush that I bought from Lowes that already had tomatos on it. I guess I had some tomatos. (That's a generous description) I even killed my tree that I was supposed to plant and let it do it's own thing. I drowned it. How do you do that?!?! How do you drown a tree??? And let's not forget about my ivy, ugh, like I said black thumb!
But, anyways, I'm no quitter! I convinced Stephen that we needed to plant a garden here in Montgomery too. We had these huge bushy bushes that we decided to take out. We had 3 box hedges and 1 holly bush. Box hedges were easy breezy to get out. The holly bush made me almost lose my religion. What a little booger. (It probably didn't help that that was the bush that I cut our extension chord in half) Here is a picture of the 3 easy stumps.
My muscle man getting the hard one out
Hooray! We got it out!
Our little visitor
We planted the tomato bushes really late in May. They really took off. I had no clue that they would grow so quickly. They quickly out grew Hannah. I was so excited to see them get blooms. They were everywhere. Tomatos had to be just around the corner. I waited and waited and waited. Patience isn't easy.
They finally started to arrive. Every morning I would go out and check them and count how many there were. (There really wasn't that many but I loved counting them) The tomatos are like magic. It was probably the absurdity that counting tomatos could make you happier. But it totally worked. I was always happier.
My first garden efforts were similar to yours. In fact this year for me was similar to my first year! Terrible. There is always hope for next year. Love your efforts! MOM