So the babe was introduced to solids and I have been introduced to pass out poops. I have changed plenty of poopie diapers thanks to my cutsie pie nephews and my little sweet cheeks. But, NEVER in my life experienced have the make you want to barf poops until now. YUK!
But wait, sorry to go off on a tangent. This blog is not about poop. It's actually about food.
I have been anxiously awaiting the day Hannah would start big people food. Food is a big deal around here. Telling Stephen he would never be able to cheese pizza again would be like telling him to cut off his legs. And I.... well, I just LOVE food. All shapes, sizes, textures and tastes. Sweet wonderful wonderful food. So naturally, I couldn't wait for our little girl to start. 
We started off with a little rice cereal in a bottle..... FAIL
Tried again the next day with a spoon and bowl.
Hmm.... Hannah, what do you think?
That good? Seriously?
Having second thoughts?
We started off with a little rice cereal in a bottle..... FAIL
I loved this picture. I feel like she is showing me how dainty and lady like she is. I can hear her now "Ladies only take small bites at a time".
Hannah has now added squash, peas, carrots, and bananas to her palate. She has not met a food she does not like. Since these pictures she has let the true NeSmith/Hutchison come out and brings out her "lady like" behavior only for social occasions.
NICE! That's great she loves everything so far! Good job Hannah!