Friday, March 23, 2018

Talk like a pirate

Thank you Krispy Kreme giving us a excuse for getting dressed up, making it cool to say Argh and matey, giggling after cardboard sword fights and pretend walking the planks.
Oh yeah, and of course the free donuts!

Leaving on a jet plane

Me and McKay are hopping on an airplane.
Cathy, Stephen's mom, had an old outfit of Stephens as a baby.
Very fittingly, it had airplanes and was the perfect fit for this little 2 month old.
He was such a champ on these flights.
The first flight I remember be squeezed next the man next to me. I couldn't find an arm rest to rest my arm on while I held him. After an hour flight my arm was so achy. But, my baby hadn't cried at all and I considered myself very lucky (and the other passengers)
My little fly boy!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Twins....not really but....

Don't you just love it when you're pregnant the same time your sister is?
If you're a man, you probably don't agree.
I love it. These two kiddos are just a couple days apart. I think like 5 really.
I love this picture (I look deceptively skinny. Well placed baby for the win!) But, my sister is my best friend. She gets me. Like really gets me! I love raising my babies with hers! 

The New Old House

This is the house we bought.
Since I am writing about this SO much latter (practically a year)
I know how many hardships we have had with it. 
This means that I have lost all the "We bought a fixer upper and we will make this house beautiful. We can do anything!!!! Flowers, rainbows and butterflies, blah, blah (That's me being grossly naive about how this process would go) I am not exaggerating when I say. Just about everything has gone wrong.
So this is our old kitchen. It has been completely gutted. 
 This is part of the original house (There was an extension built in 1978)
We took down the wall paper and ripped up the carpets. I actually liked the wallpaper. Stephen hated it and it was in super rough condition so it left us)
 This is the blue orange bathroom. Why anyone in their right mind would choose that color combination is beyond my comprehension. (Yeah, I'm looking at you too Auburn)
This bathroom was gutted and redone except for the bathtub and closet. 
 This is the den. You can't see this in the picture. But it was closed off to the kitchen. We made a case opening to the kitchen and refinished the floors. 
 The den opened up to the dinning room.
 So bummed I can't find more pictures. But, if you visited us, this is the part you would visit. We also redid the other bathroom in the front of the house. The master bath, built an additional room where a koi pond once was and changed one of the rooms into a laundry room.

Three months of awesomeness

All my babies (except Sarah) were born in the winter time. They always had to wear clothes.
But boy, naked babies sure are cute.

The haircut

Yup, bound to happen. The child that was born with almost on hair. When it did finally grow, it seemed like only a bunch of wisps. 

Luckily, she didn't get her ear. 

This guy

Oh he has me wrapped around his little finger.
I love that little dimple!
Workin his way out of all the layers.
That one single tear that just sits there.
Oh, he is so perfect!
That little intense gaze.
My little blue eyed boy!

The greatest show on earth

This goes down as one of the craziest places I have ever nursed.No, I was not part of the show! You are such a weirdo for thinking that.
Little ole Sarah didn't think it was that entertaining I guess.
Me and McKay's favorite part. Big fan of elephants! Thanks to my beloved mother who took us. What a great time! 

I'm getting baptized

Sometimes your kids really surprise you.
You never know what is sinking in with them.
Hannah was dressed in all white.
So, what does she think of?
Proud mom moment here.
She melts my heart! She is such a special pure heart-ed little girl.

Mr. Smiley

Sweet baby boy! Where are my emoji's to blow kisses and have heart eyes?


These eyes! 
Very telling
But these eyes just say put me to bed

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Drum Roll!!!!!!!!!

Just like a boy,
doesn't have much modesty.

THE kitty eyes

I always thought that eyes masks must be so uncomfortable and 
never understood why anyone would wear them.
However, I know a little girl that loves them.
She wears them EVERY night! 

My pants fell down

As Sarah left church, she exclaimed that her pants fell down. Well, I looked at her quizzically, and said something like "Sarah, you're not wearing pants, you're wearing a dress."
She pulls up her dress.
Ah, I get it.
I see the problem here.

We need a break

McKay is such a tiny baby in this picture. 
We needed a break from the new house. The not finished things. Ugh!
We headed up to Gatlinburg for some fresh air. 
We tried to find a church to attend when we got up there.
When we got to church we found out it was under construction. It had another address but for the life of us we couldn't find it. After a couple of drive by's of where it was suppose to be, we abandoned our search for a lovely car ride in the mountains. It was beautiful! When McKay had had enough of his car seat, we got out for a photo op. 

LOVE Hannah's face! 
We love going to the aquarium there!
Hannah also made a new best friend....with the manikin. 

I thought it was so fun that the restaurant had an old car door that said Hannah's name on it.
The little stinker refused to have her picture taken with it. 
But, not to be out done by her sister, she finally stood there.