Friday, February 22, 2013

A Walk in the Park

I confess
I never go to the park.
Hannah begs to go ALL the time.
I always think
Sarah's taking a nap
It's so hard to get the girls packed up.
Sarah needs to nurse.
Are the girls going to fall asleep going home
What if Hannah climbs to high.
What if we have an accident.... in our pants?
I've got to do better.
Here's to Daddy that finally got us out the door a few weeks ago.
Poor ole Sarah didn't get out of her chair.
But she was a doll baby!
Ugh, could you get any cuter?
Hannah had a ball. Of course, I always get a guilt trip when we drive pass a park.
This sweet high pitched voice squeaks out from the back seat.
I vow to be a better mother and take my kid to the park.

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