Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Little late
way too cute not to post.


So I had a birthday.
I turned 30.
I remember when I was 15 and really thought
like REALLY thought
that 30 year olds were so out of touch.
I don't have any pictures that I want to share with you.
 it was a great birthday.
I want to share with you the best birthday present ever.
I smile ever time I open the cabinet and see his face peering out at me.
I love it!


Sarah has grown up and out of the kitchen sink.
Into the bath time with toys

and with her sister.

The Pool

Rocky Top

Recently the girls and I braved the 5 hour drive to Knoxville.
My babies are good travelers.
(Well, grown into good travelers. Hannah was TOUGH when she was a baby)
We had a blast!
You doubt?
Take it up with Sarah!
Sammy: Hannah's best buddy
Mirroring each other in their goofiness
Welcome to the gun show!
(Or is he blowing a raspberry...
or giving himself a hickey)
Partners in crime
Partners in slobber
Eva rockin the 2 finger suck
On the prowl. I almost lost her in the grass.


What do you think of when you hear the word?
Warm? Sunny? Pleasant? Beautiful?
Yeah, that's what I usually think of too.
But not this week.
It was cold and overcast.
Except for my last day.
Here are the pictures of my bathing beauties. 

Just for the record I still think the beach is absolutely beautiful when overcast.
It just can't help but to be beautiful! 

Tuckered out

At grandma and Pop pops cabin you can get away with a lot
Like not sleeping in your bed.

The Sleepy and Snuggly

It's quiet.
It's peaceful.
It's lovely.
When the kids pass out.
While in time out
(She was sick)
And I have a free hand
I stop
and say 
Wow, I am blessed!
(Hannah crawled into Sarah's pack-n-play while I nursing. She couldn't get out. She cried herself to sleep before I could get back there and rescue her.)

Mother's Day

I'll do it.
I'll fall on the sword.
I'll post the picture of me with my eyes
BOTH of my girls are looking and smiling.
a RARE occurrence
Now, I'll let Sarah fall on the sword
because all of her pictures are like this.
Really showing me the love on Mother's day.
At least my older child cooperated.
Stephen and his family.