Saturday, December 7, 2013

A little yard work

Our Yard....
For too long
We had a dogwood tree in our backyard.
Dogwoods aren't the sturdiest.
A limb fell and damaged our neighbors house.
Dogwood had to go.
So it did, a year before this.
Not the most child friendly play area.
So, my handsome hunk fixed it.

Sarah was our little taskmaster.
She was really nice.
and so dog gone cute!
Step One Complete
Almost finished... just add kids.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Out Cold

There is nothing like a sleeping baby.
They are peaceful and still and precious in every way.
 I must confess, I am scared of sleeping babies.
  Why? Because when Hannah was a baby.
I felt like she was a super light sleeper. She would hear me tip toe down the hall while I held my breath. She was not the type of baby to cry for a couple of minutes and go back to sleep. She was a cry forever type baby. FOREVER. So I tried different things. But  in the end I would always have a cranky tired baby. But the moral of the story is not all babies are like that. I have good sleepers now.
So...back to the cuteness of peaceful slumbering.

This is a thing to be recorded in my family. Hannah falling asleep on the floor???
Wha??? Awesome
Most time sleep like this comes because of sickness.

Hannah crawled into the pack in play and couldn't get out. I knew that she was safe but I was busy so I left her in there. She got over an hour nap in there. 
Now, this baby is my cuddly little one. I think she could go to sleep almost anywhere.

Do you notice the granola bar in her hand?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We love food

This title should come as no surprise.
I mean NO surprise. As proof, let me show you.
We have an extra fridge that is in our laundry room. We had to use it for a short time this summer while our other was being repaired. 
During this time, Hannah discovered that she could open the fridge.
(That would be something I could wait to teach her until she was 20)
I walked in the laundry room to find this.
Just a wee little crack open in the fridge.
I totally thought I would find Hannah in there. (She is the only child that can open it)
I was wrong, there was little girl in there. (She couldn't even walk at this point)
Joke's on her though. The main food had already been moved back.
Hungry girls?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

How does your garden grow?

This is one of my most favorite things I am growing this summer.
Her name is Sarah Grace.
She is right on track.
Nice and plump and some of the best cheeks around.
She was a perfect little helper in my "garden" this year.
I "grew" squash, cucumber. They didn't make it past two leaves pushing up from the soil.
I also had a pepper plant... died.
However, I did grow cilantro and basil. Which they did well.
Of course, what I learned from planting those is that I never cook with either.
(I blame it on the fact, that I have never had any that was fresh. Oh well)
The black thumb curse continues.
The good news is that my two favorite girls are thriving!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tree vs. House

So literally while we (my mom and I) are singing "Happy Birthday" to Sarah,
A tree limb falls on our house.
Not a tiny limb,
A huge massive limb.
(I did not get a good picture just to show how BIG it was.)
 Mom and I heard a loud crash.
My mom hollered and panicked.
(Well if you know my mom it was a reaction of a normal panicked person. For my Mom, it was a normal dramatic "what was that sound?" reaction) I am going to sheepishly admit that I should have reacted with much more concern. I said that it wasn't anything. I blamed it on something I had put in the attic that morning that must have fallen. I needed to take pictures.
Mom thought the fence had fallen down or something like that.
She went outside to check it out and I continued to take pictures of my sweet one year old.
My neighbor must have been outside. He told my Mom that the limb had fallen.
Sure enough, there lay a limb on our house and did a fair amount of damage.
Since Stephen was still out of town, my father-in-law and brother-in-law came over to assess the situation.
 I felt like such a damsel in distress. 
This is the hole in our roof.
It knocked down some exhaust whatever you call-ems as well.
It didn't take long at all for the insurance adjuster to come out so we could get the roof patched.
I am so grateful for good insurance, great in-laws and a mother that was willing to check on something that her daughter was willing to ignore.  
(To those who are worried about the one year olds birthday song being ruined, I will post some pictures of that to ease your worries.)

Monday, November 18, 2013

An oldie

Since I have just made a million blogs to catch up on, I was going through all my drafts and found this gem that I never published.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's a parade

Recently went to parade!
In November! I don't know if that counts as "recent" but probably not.
I had made November post but had forgotten to post them. So here we are in March doing November! Hope you don't mind!

There are the pretties!
I felt like a good citizen taking my kids to Veterans Day parade! 
We are greatful to be Americans!

Freaky town

Just sayin
When they are all lined up looking at you
It's freaky! 
Yeah, I'm lookin at Corny! 
(That's the unicorn at the end)

Sharing is good for the heart.

When a two-year-old shares,
That's HUGE!
Especially when it's her ice cream
I mean really HUGE!
What can I say?
She sure loves her sister!

A Southern Accent

While serving at temple square I always got
"Where are you from?"
"Really? You don't sound like you're from Alabama"
"Oh wait, I can hear it now. But just barely"

I don't have a thick accent.
Stephen doesn't have a thick southern accent.

Hannah has a THICK southern accent.

"Look pawpaw it's Belle"

Thankful Tree

For the month of November we have started a thankful tree
Every night we add a leaf with something we are thankful for.
The list ranges in things from Jesus to pacifiers to Daddy to Ice Cream
My favorites coming from our sweet little babes are
Sarah: Money.... No joke she said money
And Hannah heard Mommy say chocolate one day so she has proceeded to say chocolate everyday.
(You can tell she is such a girl. Chocolate is a girls best friend)

Conversations with a 2 year old

Me: Hannah would like a little brother?
Hannah: Yea
Me: What would you like to name him
Hannah: Daddy

Daddy tries to have same conversation

Daddy: Would you like to have a little brother?
H: Yea
Daddy: What would you like to name him?
H: Patsy

H: Mommy get out of bed.
Mommy: Ok, I will. I have to get up and take care of your pretty little face
H: Don't take off my face!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's the BIG ONE!

Sweet Sarah turned 1 on June 15.
Isn't she the cutest?
This is her on her real birthday.
 Daddy was out of town most of the day on her birthday so we held our family party a few days later.
 Sarah had a great time watching Hannah open her presents.
 Giving sippy cups as a present might not have been the best idea.
This girl was upset she didn't have her juicy juice in there.
 I hung up some pictures of Sarah, thinking that I had pictures through her life.
I was wrong I hadn't developed any pictures since she was a newborn.
 Happy Birthday to you sweet Sarah. Blow hard!
 (Sneaky Hannah taking a little pinch.)

I was a little proud of this. Having a one and 2 year old is not a recipe for cuteness to happen very often. (Well actually it is... just not planned cuteness. It's all spontaneous here.) 
Birthday girl and her daddy!
Birthday girl and her Momma
One is wonderful!!!